What is the Diet Atkins ? - Body Shape for Women


Monday, November 25, 2019

What is the Diet Atkins ?

The aim of the Atkins diet is to lose weight by avoiding carbohydrates and controlling insulin levels. Dieters can eat as much fat and protein as they want.
The Atkins diet is a low-carb diet, usually recommended for weight loss . Proponents of this diet claim that you can lose weight while eating as much protein and fat as you want, as long as you avoid foods high in carbs.

In the past 12 or so years, over 20 studies have shown that low-carb diets without the need for calorie counting are effective for weight loss and can lead to various health improvements.

The Atkins diet was originally promoted by the physician Dr. Robert C. Atkins, who wrote a best-selling book about it in 1972. Since then, the Atkins diet has been popular all over the world with many more books having been written.

the Atkins Diet Is a 4-Phase Plan , the Atkins diet is split into 4 different phases:

1. Phase " induction" : Under 20 grams of carbs per day for 2 weeks. Eat high-fat, high-protein, with low-carb vegetables like leafy greens. This kick-starts the weight loss.
2. Phase  " balancing " : Slowly add more nuts, low-carb vegetables and small amounts of fruit back to your diet.
3. Phase " fine-tuning " : When you’re very close to your goal weight, add more carbs to your diet until weight loss slows down.
4. Phase  " maintenance " : Here you can eat as many healthy carbs as your body can tolerate without regaining weight.

Benefits of a Low Carb Diet

Carbs and weight loss are closely related. Everyone's metabolism can use two different types of fuel for energy – either sugar (and carbs that are quickly turned into sugar by the body), or fat. But the type of fuel you burn can have a big difference in losing or maintaining weight. A typical diet reduces calories, but is still high in carbohydrates (and thus sugar). As a result, many people constantly cycle between sugar "highs" (where excess sugar is actually stored as fat in the body) and sugar "lows" (where you feel fatigued and ravenously hungry – for more carbs and sugar). For many, it's really hard to lose weight that way.

Atkins, on the other hand, limits carbohydrates (sugar), so the body burns fat, including body fat, for fuel. This approach leaves the body steadily fueled, and weight is lost, even when more calories are being consumed. Steady fueling also means more constant energy levels all day long, and less hunger and cravings! You can actually lose weight while feeling full! The science behind the Atkins

principles has been proven by over 80 clinical studies!

What are the differences between the keto and Atkins diets?

here are many similarities to the keto and Atkins diets. Both require a significant reduction in calories from carbohydrates and encourage a person to get their calories from fats.

The keto diet puts greater restrictions on the source of calories. The Atkins diet starts very restrictive but becomes less so over time, allowing a person to eat a greater variety of foods.

Restrictive diets may help with short term weight loss or fitness goals, but they may not be as healthful in the long term as other options.

Consult a healthcare provider before making any major dietary change. This is especially important for people with chronic health conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure.

When following any diet that eliminates food groups, make sure to avoid deficiencies by meeting daily nutrient needs in other ways.

Once a person reaches their target weight goals, it may be a good idea to switch to a less restrictive diet that incorporates a variety of nutrient-rich foods. Getting the right amount of daily physical activity can also help with maintaining a healthful weight.

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