Easy exercise and fitness at home - Body Shape for Women


Saturday, November 9, 2019

Easy exercise and fitness at home

Let’s face it: Finding the time to exercise is often a lot harder than your actual workout. Between work, family and friends, personal hobbies and other social commitments, many people struggle to fit fitness into their daily routine.

Bodyweight exercises solve this problem by giving you an effective workout that can be done anywhere, anytime, with little to no setup.

Do each exercise for the desired amount of reps, quickly moving from one to the next. When you get to the end, take a 30- to 60-second break and then repeat, cycling through the routine a total of two or three times. I typically did this workout for 20 minutes and increased my time as my fitness improved.

Note: Always warm-up for three to five minutes with low-intensity aerobic activity prior to starting this routine. Also, if you want to add intensity to this routine, sprinkle in three to five-minute cardio intervals at the end of each round.

Easy Exercises to Lose Weight Fast
To lose weight, you need to create a specific calorie deficit. For example, you might want to reach a 500-calorie deficit each day to lose one pound per week. Or you might set a goal to reach a 1000-calorie daily deficit to lose 2 pounds per week.1 Either way, you need to control the number of calories you eat and burn more calories with movement to reach your target.

Many dieters start an intense workout plan to slim down. But, sometimes it's better to do easy exercises to lose weight fast. There are four ways that easy exercise can help you to slim down:

1. Improve daily non-exercise movement. Easy workouts are designed to increase your heart rate to burn calories, but they shouldn't wear you down. So you don't feel the need to take a nap or lay on the couch all day after doing a workout. This helps you to stay active throughout the day and boost the number of calories you burn .

Exercise every day. When you do easy workouts, you can exercise every day. Hard exercise, on the other hand, requires a recovery day following the session. When you work out daily (instead of 2-3 days per week) you may be able to burn more calories from exercise.
Maintain a consistent exercise program.

 Even though intense exercise is effective for weight loss, hard workouts put your body at a higher risk for injury and burnout. And you're not likely to burn enough calories for weight loss while you're recovering on the couch. Easy workouts are usually safer for your body and may allow you to be more consistent, week to week and month to month.

Keep hunger levels steady. Hard workouts often increase hunger levels. And sometimes they even increase your sense of entitlement to food. For example, you might feel that you deserve a high-calorie meal or treat after hard exercise because you earned it with your effort. But easy workouts are less likely to leave you starving. The result is that you may eat less with an easy fitness program.

If you are healthy enough for vigorous activity, hard workouts are good for your body. High-intensity exercise helps to build muscle and burn fat. But easy workouts can speed up weight loss, too.

2 Easy Workouts to Lose Weight Fast
There are two easy workout routines listed below. Choose a fitness plan based on your current level of fitness and health. 

1. Easy Exercise Routine for Beginners

This plan works well for people who don't exercise at all. The easy exercises will jolt your metabolism out of lazy mode and get it moving again. But to make this plan work, you need to keep your workouts short and manageable. That way, you never have an excuse to skip a session.

For this plan, you'll exercise 1-3 times each day, but each workout won't last long. You don't need to change clothes, you probably won't get too sweaty and you don't need any extra equipment.

Easy beginner workout:

7 minutes fast walk
7 minutes of easy lunges and easy push ups
7 minutes fast walk
You can do this workout at a local park, at your office, or in your home. Set reminders on your smartphone to remind yourself to complete your sessions. Or better yet, recruit a friend to hold you accountable.

Need more of a challenge? Swap brisk stair climbing for walking. If you are at work, climb the office stairs, do lunges on the landing and push-ups against the wall.

2. Easy Exercise Routine for Regular Exercisers

This plan works for people who already exercise. The purpose of this plan is to bump your body out of its regular routine for faster weight loss. You'll do this by 

3. Strength Training
It's a misconception that doing weights bulks you up, it in fact also helps you slim down and revs up your metabolism permanently. So head to the  weight room, and when you feel like quitting, ask yourself why you started. The secret to shedding pounds is actually to build muscles. Go on, workout with weights. Another option is circuit training, which involves moving quickly from one exercise to the next, and burns 30% more calories than a typical weight workout. 

4.  Zumba
If the gym isn't your thing, then just dance! Zumba is a feel-good way to improve your fitness and an effective way of incorporating exercise into your daily routine. Zumba is all about loosening up and burning calories. No wonder, it has been found to help relieve stress, increase energy and improve strength. It incorporates vigourous exercise and high intensity movement which helps sculpt the body.

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