How to Meditate for Beginners - Body Shape for Women


Wednesday, October 16, 2019

How to Meditate for Beginners

Do you have trouble concentrating?  Feel overwhelmed or stressed-out too often?  Meditation can help you .
Explore the profound power of the maha-mantra in just 20 minutes .
Meditation is a way of altering our state of mind and mood so we can become more tranquil and centered in the core strengths of our inner life. By exercising of our attention and attitude in easy steps, a more tranquil and detached state of awareness can be achieved for both the body and mind.
How it works
Each day you watch a short 3-4 minute video lesson and then practice a short meditation session with the maha-mantra. A daily email helps you easily link to the day’s lesson.

How to Transform Your Life
Since our happiness depends upon the experience of inner peace, which in turn depends upon the mental action of meditation, we can see how important meditation is. As Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso says in the chapter entitled ‘Inner Peace’:

‘The real source of happiness is inner peace. If our mind is peaceful, we will be happy all the time, regardless of external conditions, but if it is disturbed or troubled in any way, we will never be happy, no matter how good our external conditions may be. External conditions can only make us happy if our mind is peaceful. We can understand this through our own experience. For instance, even if we are in the most beautiful surroundings and have everything we need, the moment we get angry any happiness we may have disappears. This is because anger has destroyed our inner peace. We can see from this that if we want true, lasting happiness we need to develop and maintain a special experience of inner peace. The only way to do this is to train our mind through spiritual practice – gradually reducing and eliminating our negative, disturbed states of mind and replacing them with positive, peaceful states. Eventually, through continuing to improve our inner peace we will experience supreme permanent peace of mind, or "nirvana". Once we have attained nirvana we will be happy throughout our life, and in life after life. We will have solved all our problems and accomplished the true meaning of our human life.'

how i can learn meditation in 7 days 
Topics :
Day one – What is a Mantra
Day two – Discovering your true identity
Day three – The special power of the maha-mantra
Day four – The meaning of the maha-mantra
Day five – Obstacles to meditation
Day six – Bhakti – the yoga of love
Day seven – Going forward

'There are two types of meditation: analytical meditation and placement meditation. Analytical meditation involves contemplating the meaning of a spiritual instruction that we have heard or read. By contemplating such instructions deeply, eventually we reach a definite conclusion, or cause a specific virtuous state of mind to arise. This is the object of placement meditation. We then concentrate single-pointedly on this conclusion or virtuous state of mind for as long as possible to become deeply acquainted with it. This single-pointed concentration is placement meditation. Analytical meditation is often called ‘contemplation’, and placement meditation is often called "meditation". Placement meditation depends upon analytical meditation, and analytical meditation depends upon listening to or reading spiritual instructions.

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